CryptoLocation along with our social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are live! With this soft launch, we’d like to share a bit about who we are and our purpose.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Simply put, it is way more difficult than it should be to get good consistent advice around crypto tax strategies. While form-filling software is certainly a step in the right direction, the experience can be tedious and time consuming if you go it alone.

Searching for a cryptocurrency tax professional is like feeling your way down a dark hallway. There are internet strangers lurking on Reddit happy to give you advice without repercussion. Your local CPA just stairs blankly back at you when you mention Dogecoin [crypto]dogecoin[/crypto]. And Google can fetch you some results, but they are disparate and you’re left guessing as to the quality of each tax professional.

Related: Learn how to use our website

After reading about the IRS notice to Coinbase users, it became clear that we need to get organized in order to prepare for the evolving regulation and legal battles ahead. That was the genesis of CryptoLocation – a company whose purpose it is to help members of the cryptocurrency community find great local businesses that speak their language and share their values, starting with tax professionals.

Alright, so what does is cost? 

The website is 100% free for everyone. Few things frustrate us more than websites that claim to be free and then pull a bait and switch – that isn’t our MO and it never will be. Our primary objective is to build a cool platform that you enjoy and find value in using. Give our interactive crypto tax services search a test run. After all, we’re all in this together. ✌️

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